I help people start and grow profitable, thriving mastermind communities.

Are you a coach, consultant, author, speaker, leader, or entrepreneur looking to create more impact while leveraging your time to generate greater returns?

My name is Brad Hart and I can help you create a business and revenue stream you love-- without all the headaches.

I've been a part of 50+ masterminds now from free/invite only all the way up to $100k a year, and started 15 of my own all over the world, from small intimate groups to 530 members. I even met my wife Jasmine through a mastermind!

You can check out my bestselling book The 8 Minute Mastermind, How To Solve Any Problem, Travel Anywhere For Free and Add $100k+ To Your Business in 5-10 Hours a Month here.

I am also a founding member of the speaking/training team for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi's Knowledge Business Blueprint (KBB) Program, so I have a wide variety of experience, tools and frameworks to help you implement your mastermind quickly and efficiently. 

I've helped thousands of people craft, launch, fill, fun and scale their masterminds (some into the millions in revenue) and I can help you too.

If you're interested in learning how you can create a fun and profitable business with low time investment and overhead, click the button below to learn more.